Tag Archive for: AuthenticLeadership

We don’t see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.

A story that circulated in my family growing up was about a couple of mischievous boys who wanted to play a joke on their grandpa. While he napped, they rubbed some Limburger cheese in his mustache.

When grandpa awoke, he sniffed and said, “It stinks in here!”
He walked into the kitchen, sniffed around and declared: “It stinks in here too!”
Leaving the kitchen, he walked through the hallway to his front door. Sure enough, as he sniffed, he muttered, “It even stinks in here!”
Flinging the front door open, he took a breath of what he expected to be fresh air. But once again the Limburger cheese filled his nostrils, and grandpa shouted in disgust: “The whole world stinks!”

Did the whole world stink? Of course not. The real problem was right under grandpa’s nose.

Before we complain about our boss or our spouse or the government or poor service, be sure to look first in the mirror and find out what’s under our nose.

We don’t see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.

Find Your Inspired Leadership in 2024

In today’s professional world, the relationship between energy and success is clear: Energy can drive leaders to succeed, and energy can drive you out the door to work. Every relationship, every decision, every action either depletes us or inspires us. Producing extraordinary results on your team requires attention to energy. It is vital for leaders to understand what it takes to create an inspired, energized workplace.

Five pillars of an inspired life and workplace:

  1. Intention: Finding inspiration in the little things.
  2. Vulnerability: Sharing values, dreams, ideas, and stories.
  3. Inquiry: Curiosity fosters a learning culture, and a true learning culture is an inspired culture.
  4. Generosity: A servant heart inspires people to be their best self.
  5. Authenticity: We are naturally creative, committed, and capable. When you make it safe to be who you are, inspiration and success come naturally.

If you are committed to discover your inspired leadership in 2024, join me for a complimentary webinar on January 26: https://lnkd.in/d37Prt4a

The Human Need To Be Seen

Being on a jumbotron, whether at a sporting event, concert, or public gathering, can elicit various reactions depending on your personality and comfort level with attention. The most common, however, is excitement and enthusiasm. It’s a human need to be seen. We all need to know that we matter. To know that we make a difference; that because we are alive, we have an impact. Somewhere. Somehow. To someone.

It’s such a strong need, that kids will do anything to get attention and recognition when it isn’t there. They’ll act out. They’ll do stupid stuff. They’ll hurt themselves or others. They’ll compromise their values and what they know to be right. They may even turn to suicide.

And adults are no different. While we ultimately grow to where we can affirm ourselves and realize we can find value from within (through the difference we make to others and our simple inherent goodness), to get there, we need encouraging, caring people to help us know that we are valuable, that we are recognized, and that we are important for who we are.

What are you doing to recognize, to see, to truly value the people in your life?

How do you know that your treasuring people is actually making a meaningful difference?

Why do you matter? What are you doing to affirm that you are seen in the world?

The Value Of A Technology Sabbatical and the Importance of Connection

This holiday season I turned off everything digital for ten days. I didn’t check my emails or messages. I didn’t touch social media. I didn’t post anything. I didn’t go into my office. I devoted my time to be with family, rest, meditate, practice yoga, spend time in nature, read, and take care of myself.

And the experience hasn’t yet left me.

Not only was it a much needed rest, it was also a reminder of what matters. It is so easy to spread myself too thin, habitually spending time with things that don’t actually make a lot of difference. Deep satisfaction, meaning, and impact in life doesn’t come from our achievements or external validation. Our worth – to be sustainable – doesn’t come from the number of follows we have or the amount of money we make, or all the stuff that we have. While our work is a tool to create what matters, what truly matters is the difference we make, the quality of our relationships, the ability to experience beauty and love, our inner well-being. Even when it comes to leadership, abilities matter, but inner qualities matter more.

When I experience such renewal, I wonder if the age of technology is waning. I question what will sustain us as a species on this planet. Increasingly we are starting to see resistance to technological progress, and the rise of the importance of the human spirit, of human contact and human touch.

Reflections on Resolutions – Meeting The New Year With Authenticity

On behalf of our team, we appreciate you being part of our Authentic Leadership community and look forward to continuing to support your commitment to live and lead the authentic way.

With a new year comes a renewed resolve to better ourselves. While this time of year presents an opportunity for self-reflection, a review of the past year, and considerations for the year ahead, we know that most New Year’s resolutions often peter out in the first month or even week. The busiest month for gyms is January.

Here’s three simple reminders for making your New Year’s resolutions meaningful and sustaining:

  1. Take an honest self-assessment. Take time to reflect on the past year and consider the year ahead. Truthfully ask if you want to make changes in your life. No one has to transform their lives just because our culture suggests you need to make resolutions. Maybe you have been through too many changes in 2023 and need some rest this coming year. Nothing wrong with that as a resolution. Listen to your authentic self, not your apathetic self that wants to hang on to the status quo or your conforming self that wants to follow the crowd.
  2. Create a compelling vision. Following through on an agreement to change something requires a persuasive reason to do so. My vision to build a global community of authentic leaders and difference makers requires that I sustain my mental and physical health. My vision inspires me to get up in the morning and exercise. This year I want to get back to playing the piano – a passion I have neglected the past few years. I’m not planning on being a concert pianist; I just enjoy it and it’s good for my brain to learn new pieces.
  3. Create a system of non-negotiable habits. Change occurs with consistent daily progress. It’s not the big wins that propel us forward. It’s the unwavering habits that you integrate into your life that builds integrity and self-respect and move you toward a new life. Integral to these new habits will require assistance from others. Rarely does lasting change happen alone, so find an accountability partner who will support you and hold your foot to the fire to follow through.

Lasting change is about direction, not velocity. Please reach out if we can support your journey in any way.
May you find you find meaning and prosperity in all your efforts.

Canadian leadership team from Doka

Earlier this month, I had the extreme pleasure of spending some time with the Canadian leadership team from Doka, an amazing company with incredible leaders from around the world.

I had a wonderful experience for three inspiring days as they demonstrated passion, accountability, authenticity, and a high level of engagement.