Tag Archive for: authenticity

Today there is a deep desire to connect to our authentic self, our true nature.

Whether or not we can articulate that desire, this yearning can show up when you say something like, “I have a good job and make a living, but I’m not able to find a sense of meaning in it; I want something that I have a reason for doing.” The pandemic made this inquiry, for many, more explicit and deliberate.

We live in a society obsessed with an economic view, which supports us to work at jobs that don’t mean anything, or that we can’t find a way of making the job meaningful. I think we inevitably end up depressed or exhausted when we focus our energy on something that only responds to material things and is void of meaning.

It’s fine to spend forty hours a week on a job that’s meaningless, as long as you know what your real vocation is and find a way to express it – either in your work or away from your paid work.

Then you won’t confuse your job with the meaning of your life.

Authenticity brings peace, power, and purpose into our lives and leadership.

A research project posed two questions to a randomly selected group:

  1. What’s it like to live your life and not be the real you? Responses included: Exhausting, depressing, sad, stressful, lonely, disengaged, empty, and lost.
  2. What’s it like to accept yourself? Responses included: Happy, confident, joyous, free, inspiring, appreciative, alive, fulfilled.

Who would you prefer for a boss or colleague: An authentic person who is at peace with themselves or an inauthentic person who isn’t?

Leadership is truly about PRESENCE, not position.

Drive of Champions Fundraiser

It was an amazing day at Drive of Champions, a unique fundraiser hosted by the Calgary Police Youth Foundation at Spruce Meadows. All proceeds go to support children and youth by keeping them safe from crime and victimization through crime prevention, education, and early intervention programs.

Attendees, car enthusiasts, and members of the public had an opportunity to see some of the most exhilarating cars, take pictures, and meet the owners! It was great to be there with my nephew who got to ride in a Lamborghini!

Thanks Chad for making it an incredible experience for Sebastien. And thanks Calgary City Police for all you do in our community.

What do you do when someone on your team stops caring – and what if that person is you?

Caring is a part of who we are. If you’ve stopped caring, it is a coping strategy in response to stress. Not caring means you have built a wall to protect yourself. Maybe you’ve been hurt and are shielding yourself from further pain. Or perhaps you are exhausted from too many demands and expectations of others. Maybe you’re burned out from being pulled in too many directions and are simply backing away.

If this is a person on your team, treat it as an opportunity to explore this with them. If it is you, explore these issues with yourself. Remember that there is a legitimate reason that you stopped caring. There’s no sense judging yourself for it, but by all means, get to the bottom of it so you can open your heart and move forward with compassion. Life is more enjoyable and fulfilling when you bring yourself back to a caring place. And be sure you get there in a caring way.

When offered an opportunity that feels too BIG or too Challenging – how do we know what we can handle?

Frankly, sometimes I don’t know. I have often found myself jumping off a cliff and building wings as I fall. Usually things work out if I lean into whatever is challenging me.

Here’s a few things I do know:

  1. If I’m comfortable, I’m probably not growing. I don’t need to be growing all the time, but I need to be growing some of the time, so I welcome discomfort periodically as an opportunity to learn something new.
  2. If something feels too big or too challenging, it’s helpful to ask myself if the fear is helping or hindering me. Sometimes I need to listen to the fear and back off because it’s something that’s not right for me at the time or good for me. And sometimes I need to walk through the fear and not pay too much attention to it.
  3. I generally find it helpful to talk this through with a trusted colleague, friend, or guide. I often need support and guidance to sort it out.

3 Habits you can start TODAY to make you a better leader

  1. Stop working. I’m not saying be lazy, but reconsider what real work is. We typically think we aren’t working if we aren’t in front of our computer. Get up from your desk and visit or call a member of your team. Find out how they’re doing. Listen to their concerns and take the time to assess their level of passion, energy, and alignment to the work they’re doing.
  2. Clarify your why. Ask yourself why you get out of bed in the morning. Why do you come to work? Why did you take on the position of leadership? Why is what you do important to you? It doesn’t have to be a fancy mission statement. It just has to be clear enough to inspire you to show up with greater passion, energy, and focus.
  3. Start sharing your why. Let others know what your vision is and why what you do matters to you, the team, and the organization. Let people know how important they are to your vision and to the purpose of the organization. Renew your explicit commitment to support them with their dreams and their vision. Ensure that your aspirations and values are aligned.