How to recognize when your team is out of sync – and how to get back on track.

Addressing the issue promptly is a crucial leadership skill.

Key indicators that your team may be out of sync:

  1. Disengagement: People coming late to meetings, reduced accountability, uneven distribution of work.
  2. Lack of Trust: People not opening up, shutting down, unacknowledged tension.
  3. Ineffective Leadership: Poor delegation, unclear direction, purpose, and expectations, decreased standards, a lack of accountability.

Strategies To Get Back On Track:

  1. Meet with each team member to identify root causes. Be open about your concerns. Find out why people are disengaged or lack trust, and get feedback on your leadership. Create a safe space for team members to share concerns and feedback.
  2. Assess whether the root causes stem from team dynamics, unresolved conflict, poor leadership, or individual hornets killing the bees.
  3. Address concerns directly. Acknowledge publicly that the team is out of sync and you are committed to solve the problem. Be open with your team about your intentions, your agreements, and your support requirements.

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