Building Belonging: The Power of Connection

When Justin was early in recovery from a brutal, deadly five-year crystal meth addiction, his withdrawal symptoms were debilitating and painful, including excruciating paranoia and an inability to sleep. Some of his paranoia was grounded in reality. He had drug dealers and gang members breathing down his neck. His grandmother, who was caring for him […]

Holistic Management Annual General Meeting

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of presenting at the Holistic Management Annual General Meeting. The event was held at the Lloydminster Agriculture Exhibition Association. There is an incredible team running this facility, a team that has been built over the past forty years through the leadership of a truly remarkable community leader, […]

We all leave a legacy. What will be yours?

We all leave a legacy. What will be yours? The older I get, the more the light of my success fades against the brightness of the successes of my children and grandchildren. Watching my daughters’ launch into satisfying careers brings joy beyond my own deeply fulfilling vocation. And my personal achievements pale next to my […]

When I go to the gym, I’m focused and intense.

When I go to the gym, I’m focused and intense. I can also be judgmental of “amateurs.” So one day, while I was waiting for one of the weight machines, there were two seniors joking around, oblivious to the fact that I was impatiently waiting for the equipment they were “playing around on.” I thought […]

How do you show the people you care about that you care about them?

How do you show the people you care about that you care about them? When I was eleven, our family drove across the county to experience Expo 67 in Montreal and on to upper state New York to visit my uncle. As part of our visit, Uncle Reed took us into New York City for […]

What are the stories that run your life?

What are the stories that run your life? After reading Dain Dunston’s thought-provoking book, Being Essential: Seven Questions for Living and Leading with Radical Self-Awareness, I was intrigued by the notion that our stories can unconsciously drive our lives. So we best be sure that we know what these narratives are and that they are […]

How to start a new habit.

How to start a new habit. Assess the quality of your life by looking at your habits. If you want to change your life, change your habits. Here’s seven keys to changing a habit: Articulate your why. Create a compelling reason to change a habit or create a new you. And be sure the change […]

Does the word accountability have a positive or negative association for you?

Does the word accountability have a positive or negative association for you? Throughout my career, accountability has been a central focus of my research and teaching. Here are ten things I’ve learned about accountability: Accountability is the ability to be counted on. Never make a promise you don’t intend to keep, and when you make […]

Journalling – How To Get Going And Keep Going

Journalling – How To Get Going And Keep Going Connection to others is critical in good leadership and starts with connection to yourself. Journalling is a great tool for self-connection. Here are some guidelines to get you going and keep you going: Buy a nice journal. I love a good leather-covered one I can feel […]

The Myth Of A High-Functioning Team

The Myth Of A High-Functioning Team In forty years of doing this work, I have never come across a dysfunctional team. Every team has elements of disfunction and elements of health and falls somewhere on that spectrum. There is no formula. No template. I have seen teams that are achieving incredible results that would fail […]