I love books.

I particularly love sitting down each night with a real book.

Some of the books I’ve read so far this year:

Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted. By Suleika Jaouad. This is a deeply moving memoir of illness and recovery that traces one young woman’s journey from diagnosis to remission to re-entry into “normal” life.

Bravey, by Alexi Pappa. A record-holding Olympic runner and critically lauded actress, filmmaker, and writer shares her mental and physical health challenges and her healing journey.

The Anxious Generation, by Jonathon Haidt. A generation-defining investigation into the collapse of youth mental health in the era of smartphones, social media, and big tech—and a plan for a healthier, freer childhood. A must-read for all parents.

The War of Art, by Seven Pressfield. A powerful and inspiring examination of the internal obstacles to success and shows how to identify and unlock the inner barriers to creativity.

Freedom and Accountability at Work, by Peter Koestenbaum and Peter Block. This classic and profound book offers a new perspective for viewing the workplace and a better understanding of how to reclaim your freedom through accountability.

A World Waiting To Be Born: Civility Rediscovered. Scott Peck wrote this book thirty-five years ago. It offers a much-needed prescription for our today’s deeply ailing society.

The High Price of Materialism, by Tim Kasser. A scientific explanation of how our contemporary culture of consumerism and materialism affects our everyday happiness and psychological health.