SAGE Forum

After thirty years of requests from people who want to go deeper with my teachings and find support in an authentic community, I have helped to co-create the SAGE Forums. These Forums go beyond the benefits gained from a presentation or Academy. A SAGE Forum creates a community to support authentic difference makers and help […]

Pruning: Growth Depends on Letting Go Of The Unwanted Or Unessential

We have a thirty-foot rubber tree growing in the middle of our living room. About every six months we have to get up on the ladder and cut back the branches that push into the ceiling and the window. Leading is akin to gardening, where we co-create an environment around us that enables the flourishing […]

The Law Of The Echo

Years ago, when I was first teaching about accountability, a young, enthused leader approached me. “Your philosophy of bringing an ownership, self-responsible mindset to work reminds me of the Law of the Echo.” “What’s the Law of the Echo?” I asked her. “It means that whatever you bring to the world will come back to […]

How to Fix an Accountability Problem

“We need more accountability on our team!” It’s easy to turn to this all-too-common refrain when numbers are down or team members aren’t meeting expectations. But when you announce, “we need more accountability,” your team actually hears, “We’re failing, and it’s your fault.” No one is inspired by being blamed. While there may be times […]

How to Attract and Retain Talent in a Labor Shortage

After a recent team meeting, I realized I have not been practicing what I preach. We have been so busy these days taking care of clients, filling programs, training SAGE Forum facilitators, keeping our website current, developing marketing initiatives and more – that I have neglected to ensure that we are achieving the authentic alignment […]

How to Fix an Accountability Problem on Your Team

“Everyone on a team knows who is and who is not performing, and they are looking to you as the leader to see what you are going to do about it.” The late Collin Powell, Former US Secretary of State How many times in the past year have you heard, “We need more accountability on […]


The need to create a place where people belong grows out of the isolated nature of our lives, our workplaces, and our communities. The absence of belonging and the realization of its importance in re-engaging our workforce has been especially amplified in the past two years. I believe that creating a place where people belong […]

Inspiring and Guiding Leaders – Irvine & Associates. An interview with David Irvine

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with David Irvine, Founder of Irvine & Associates Inc., located in Cochrane, AB, Canada. What’s your business, and who are your customers? Through keynote addresses, seminars, leadership development academies, and SAGE (Self-Awareness Group Experience) […]

The Secret Life: Getting To The Core Of Self Awareness And Great Leadership

The Tony Award-winning Broadway musical, The Secret Garden, is the story of young girl whose parents die of cholera in India. She is sent to live with her uncle in a large British manor and when exploring the grounds of the estate, she discovers the entrance to a magical secret garden where anything is possible. […]

S-L-O-W-I-N-G D-O-W-N TO THE SPEED OF LIFE  Lessons on Leadership and Life from a Fly Fisherman

Everything moves in rhythm. Atomic particles, waves of electrons, molecules in wood, rocks, and trees, amoebas, mammals, birds, fish and reptiles, the earth, the moon, the sun, and stars… and we ourselves. In a world alive with a myriad of rhythms, “entrainment” is the process by which these rhythms synchronize. Rhythmic entrainment is one of […]