What portion of your day is spent intentionally connecting with your team?

Why it matters and how to make it part of your routine in a meaningful way.

I’m usually very reluctant to reach out spontaneously to my teams – my work team and the one I chair in my non-profit world. I score high on the introvert scale, so it isn’t easy to initiate conversations. I also don’t like to interrupt people and intrude on their time.

But when I don’t reach out enough I know it can be interpreted as a lack of caring – which is the furthest thing from the truth.

Both teams under my care are remote teams, so to reach out regularly means phone calls or virtual conversations. What’s important is that I take the time to understand what the expectations are and to sincerely make the effort to reach out more often. My teams need to know I care about their work and more importantly, they need to know that I care about them as people.

How that gets expressed is dependent on individual needs, personalities, and preferred styles of communication.