Four Ways to Protect Your Well-Being In Colder Months
/in Authenticity, autumn, DavidIrvine, Habits, Inspiration, Leadership, masterclass, Positive thinking, Renewal, Self Awareness, well-being, Work Life Balance/by AdministrationI love this time of year. It’s my favorite season. I call it “late summer.” The crisp air in my morning walks, the dropping temperatures, and the leaves beginning to turn remind me of going back to school, my days of harvest on the farm, starting a new year of teaching, and beginning a new […]
Leadership By Modeling The Way: Let’s Choose Courage – Together
/in Authenticity, Courage, Inspiration, Leadership, Teachers/by AdministrationAs a parent, I have learned that children are great imitators. The key is to give them something great to imitate. Michelle Skene, principal of The Ridge at Kanata Montessori School, where my daughter teaches, sent an inspiring note to parents as they prepare to send their children back to school this week. Her message […]
Facing Racism: It Starts With Personal Accountability
/in Accountability, Authenticity, Empathy, Inspiration, Racism, Self Awareness, Values/by AdministrationI was lamenting with a colleague about how we all have areas in our lives and our leadership that drive other people crazy, cause damage to the world around us, and hurt the people we care about. And we are blind to them. That’s why we call them blind spots in our leadership development program. […]
RESPONDING TO OUR TIMES: Lessons From Nelson Mandela
/in Articles by David Irvine, Authenticity, Character, Inspiration, Leadership, Nelson Mandela, Values/by AdministrationFor many years the life and leadership of Nelson Mandela has inspired and guided my work. Mandela had many teachers in his life, but the greatest of them all was prison. In the words of his biographer, Richard Stengel, “Prison taught him self-control, discipline, and focus, and it taught him how to be a full […]
/in Accountability, Articles by David Irvine, Authenticity, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Gratitude, Inspiration, Leadership, psychological safety, Respectful Workplace, Servant Leadership, workplace safety/by AdministrationThere are people in our world who do not feel safe because of the color of their skin. There are people who don’t feel safe because of their gender. There are people who don’t feel safe because of their religious beliefs or sexual orientation. This has to stop. It’s time to decide, once and for […]
DON’T WASTE THIS CRISIS Let’s Not Get Back to Normal
/in Articles by David Irvine, Authenticity, Community, Contemplation, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Creativity, Inspiration, Leadership/by AdministrationA crisis is really a terrible thing to waste. – Paul Romer, Stanford economist In college, while on the track team, I was inspired by the university’s volleyball coach. He had a mantra that guided all his practices. Every time the ball came on your side of the net he would say, “use it.” “The ball is not your enemy,” he would continually remind […]
/in Articles by David Irvine, Authenticity, Caring, Change, Connection, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Inspiration, Leadership/by AdministrationAuthentic leadership is both active and reflective. One has to alternate between participating and observing. I am in the midst of navigating my own way through that journey and feel compelled to share my experiences and perspective with you. This pandemic is an enormous experiment in shared authenticity. Fear and grief can bring out our […]
Accountability, Ownership, and COVID-19
/in Accountability, Attitude, Authenticity, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Leadership/by AdministrationThe focus of my life’s work and passion is authentic leadership. At the foundation of authenticity lies ownership and personal accountability. In part, this means the ability to distinguish between what you can control and what you can’t and putting energy into that which you can influence. I am aware that COVID-19 is causing concern […]
/in Articles by David Irvine, Authenticity, Enough, Leadership, Self Awareness/by AdministrationDo you have more than one pair of shoes? Do you have more than one choice about what you’ll eat for each meal? Do you have access to your own means of transportation? Do you have more than one pair of underwear? If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, then by […]
FINDING YOUR VOICE: A Story of Authenticity and The Birth of an Immortality Project
/in Articles by David Irvine, Authenticity, Caring, Connection, Dying, Family, Grief, Immortality Project, Inspiration, Leadership, Other Everest, Relationships, The Other Everest/by AdministrationWhat in your life is calling you? When all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned, the lists and agendas laid aside… what still pulls on your soul? In the silence between your heartbeats hides a summons. Do you hear it? Name it, if you must, or leave it forever nameless, but why pretend that […]