I love Halloween.

I love going to a party wearing a mask so people don’t know who you are. I would even dress up when I took our daughters trick or treating. It’s a blast being incognito. However, when we unintentionally wear masks to protect ourselves we present a curated version of ourselves to the world, hiding our […]

What does “good with yourself” look and feel like?

First, it means having the courage to be open to an awareness of yourself, and how your life impacts those around you. It’s about knowing what drives you and what blocks you while understanding and appreciating your blind spots. It’s about facing the darker sides of your nature, to acknowledge the traumas, inadequacies, self-doubts, insecurities, […]

What’s it like to live authentically?

What’s it like to live authentically? When asking people their experience of living authentically and inauthentically, they describe living when not being themselves as “Exhausting,” “Depressing,” “Sad,” “Stressful,” “Lonely,” “Disengaged,” “Empty,” “Lost.” When asked what it’s like to live accepting of yourself, responses include: “Happy,” “Confident,” “Joyous,” “Free,” “Inspiring,” “Appreciative,” “Alive,” “Fulfilled.” When we create […]

Attracting and Retaining The Right People

Attracting and Retaining The Right People I had an amazing experience during the first of a four-part webinar series on Authentic Leadership with Trucking HR Canada. The trucking and logistics industry is complex, sophisticated, and built on grass-roots values. Like many industries, leaders are dealing with rising input costs, tight margins, increased pressure on time, […]

There are people who do not feel safe at work. They don’t feel safe to speak honestly, offer ideas, or be themselves.

There are people who do not feel safe at work. They don’t feel safe to speak honestly, offer ideas, or be themselves. They fear that sharing concerns and mistakes will mean embarrassment or retribution; that if they are honest, they will be humiliated, ignored, or blamed. They fear asking questions when they are unsure of […]

Why leadership training and development are so critical and why our teams deserve it.

Three things I’ve learned about personal and leadership development: The greatest gift you can give someone is your own personal development. And one of the greatest gifts you can give your team is the gift of learning. Becoming a stronger, wiser, kinder person doesn’t just benefit you, it benefits those around you. Don’t mistake vertical […]

Why accountability and empowerment are inseparable.

Accountability is usually understood in terms of holding someone accountable. But what if we, ourselves, embraced being accountable for the benefit of our relationships, families, and organizations? Empowerment is usually understood in terms of “giving power” to someone. But what if we, ourselves, embraced empowerment as taking accountability to create an organization where you enjoy […]

Today there is a deep desire to connect to our authentic self, our true nature.

Whether or not we can articulate that desire, this yearning can show up when you say something like, “I have a good job and make a living, but I’m not able to find a sense of meaning in it; I want something that I have a reason for doing.” The pandemic made this inquiry, for […]

Authenticity brings peace, power, and purpose into our lives and leadership.

A research project posed two questions to a randomly selected group: What’s it like to live your life and not be the real you? Responses included: Exhausting, depressing, sad, stressful, lonely, disengaged, empty, and lost. What’s it like to accept yourself? Responses included: Happy, confident, joyous, free, inspiring, appreciative, alive, fulfilled. Who would you prefer […]

Embarking on a Journey

This week I had the privilege of meeting with two remarkable women, my friends Tanya Koshowski and Dianne McConnell, as we begin a journey to rebrand the Authentic Leadership Academies. I’m thrilled to be working with these generous and wise individuals and look forward to keeping you posted as our renewed model unfolds. And, if […]