Don’t Get Stuck In The Pursuit Of Perfection: The Power of Small, Continuous Improvement

I’ve always had a hard time enjoying an activity because of my unrealistic expectations of perfection. Years ago I took piano lessons and I recall how much I practiced Für Elise focusing on perfection. I became hyper-aware of each barely noticeable flaw and when a finger slipped and shattered any illusion I had of perfection, […]

You Can’t Leave Belonging To Chance

If you think about the time you have spent in your family, at school, and organizations you’ve worked in, you know what it feels like to belong or not belong, and why it matters. It’s the difference between feeling isolated, detached, and irrelevant, and feeling connected, valued, and engaged. Belonging makes all the difference. We […]

4 Ways To Lead With Initiative

After lunch today, I was in a hurry to get back to the office, and just placed my dishes on the counter rather than taking an extra few seconds to put them in the dishwasher. When others pick up the slack and do too much for us, we lose what my parents called good old-fashioned […]

Is it well-loved?

For the past several weeks while looking at houses, our realtor introduced an expression, “This house has been well loved.” Now at some showings, I find myself saying, “This is not a well-loved house.” Some people truly turn a house into a home that is worth loving, while some only take from their surroundings. This […]

Simple Living in a Complex World: Transitions, Aristotle, and Coming Home

Selling a house can be an emotional undertaking, a journey of self-discovery. It is a bittersweet experience as we downsize to simplify our lives. Our peaceful home and the soothing nature reserve alongside it has been a haven to me and our family for almost two decades. It’s a place where I connected with my […]

Building a Case For Working Less and Producing More

Cal Newport’s recent book, Slow Productivity, builds a great case for showing how working less can lead to greater productivity and accomplishment. However, it isn’t about just working less and or discarding your work ethic. It’s about working with greater focus and deliberate action. In short: Focus on fewer things at once. By reducing the […]

The Torment of Letting Go and The Journey To Authenticity

Selling a house is an emotional experience. It is a bittersweet experience as we downsize to simplify our lives. When I was on my walk this morning I could feel the profound loss of this sanctuary. Letting go of our beloved home is an invitation to reconnect with my deepest self. Although leaving this precious […]

Calgary Fire Department Pensioners Association

We had a great time at the Calgary Fire Department Pensioners Association golf tournament at Valley Ridge Golf Club. Wayfinders Wellness Society is grateful to have worked together with the Calgary Fire Department peer support team in support of mental health and wellness in the critical work of fire fighting.

MoverOne Group

This week I had the privilege of spending two days in Mississauga with an amazing group of leaders at MoverOne Group from across the country. This incredible team, whose brands include United Van lines and Mayflower, take care to a whole new level. MoverOne Group’s focus and commitment to care truly unites them. Although I […]

Fostering Well-Being in Times of Mental Fatigue – The Authentic Way

Brenda is a project manager at a large financial services company. For the past year, she has been leading a team tasked with developing a new product line on a tight deadline. She’s been working 60-70 hours/week, constantly juggling demands from her team, executive, and her clients. She has had to make numerous high-stake decisions […]