Take An Emotional Temperature Reading

In a recent podcast (The Leader’s Navigator) with my daughter, Hayley, we talked about Living Authentically With Anger. To counter some of the divisiveness and strain that seems prevalent in our world today, we suggest a strategy to use with your team. Before every operational meeting, get a sentence from each person about how they […]

Can Arrogance Be Mistaken For Confidence?

While arrogance and confidence appear similar on the surface, there is a definitive line that divides the two. Confidence is an intrinsic value, involving inner trust, assurance, and faith in one’s ability to deal with the situation in front them. Arrogance, on the other hand, is a false sense of superiority over others that comes […]

Leading Beyond the Great Disruption

Nelson Mandela had many teachers in his life, but the greatest of them all was prison. In the words of his biographer, Richard Stengel, “Prison taught him self-control, discipline, and focus, and it taught him how to be a full human being – the things he considered essential to leadership.” In other words, it was […]

Decision Making

Why decision making is so effective when it is located where the knowledge and expertise lie, rather than where the pay grade is appropriate.

I come from a lineage of hand-standers.

I come from a lineage of hand-standers. My grandfather could still do a headstand when he was 93. My father was a Canadian national gymnast in the 1940s. He used to walk around on his hands when he was 50. I didn’t think there was anything particularly unusual about this until my friends came over. […]

Psychological Safety: It Starts With Self-Awareness

Your first and most important responsibility as a leader is to create a safe environment where people can bring their whole self to their work. So how do you know if people feel safe? How do you know whether people fully trust you? How do you know if people are secretly looking for a job […]

Engagement and the Four Human Needs

To get your team inspired and engaged, to foster loyalty, and get the most out of people under your care, you need to work with them to meet four fundamental needs. People need to feel safe. They need to feel physically and psychologically safe. They need to know it’s safe to tell the truth, be […]

There’s a principle in boxing that timing beats speed and speed beats power.

There’s a principle in boxing that timing beats speed and speed beats power. Whenever I’m up against my sparing partner and I feel less power, and I “try harder” to be more powerful it never ends well. It weakens my power, decreases my speed, and throws my timing way off. I’ll never outpower someone who […]

SAGE Forum

After thirty years of requests from people who want to go deeper with my teachings and find support in an authentic community, I have helped to co-create the SAGE Forums. These Forums go beyond the benefits gained from a presentation or Academy. A SAGE Forum creates a community to support authentic difference makers and help […]

Pruning: Growth Depends on Letting Go Of The Unwanted Or Unessential

We have a thirty-foot rubber tree growing in the middle of our living room. About every six months we have to get up on the ladder and cut back the branches that push into the ceiling and the window. Leading is akin to gardening, where we co-create an environment around us that enables the flourishing […]