Employee Engagement Surveys – Not The Whole Story
/in Articles by David Irvine, Communication, Culture, Engagement, Leadership, Performance/by AdministrationI’m not against employee engagement surveys. I’m just not in favor or our over-reliance on them for an accurate picture of an organizational culture. Reading employee engagement surveys is like reading a newspaper or watching the news. It’s interesting, there’s an element of truth in them, but it’s not the whole picture. It’s more of […]
Work Life Balance – It Isn’t About Balance
/in Articles by David Irvine, Stress, Values, Work Life Balance/by AdministrationBalancing poses in my yoga practice are the most difficult for me. I’ve learned that the harder I try to balance myself, the more I lose my balance. I’ve learned, from good yoga teachers over the years, that instead of trying to balance to: “Relax. Stop judging. Stop ‘trying.’ Breathe. Sometimes you’ll find the balance; […]
Personal Leadership – A Culture of One
/in Accountability, Articles by David Irvine, Authenticity, Communication, Culture, Engagement, Leadership, Performance, Trust/by AdministrationOperational accountabilities are about what has to be done in an organization. Leadership accountabilities, on the other hand, are about how the work gets done. You have to take both into consideration if you want to build a great culture. Culture defines the how. It is important to regularly assess how your people are achieving […]
Q12 Engagement Survey: Who is Responsible?
/in Accountability, Authenticity, Caring, Culture, Engagement, Leadership, Performance, Trust/by AdministrationThe Q12 Talent Engagement Audit The Gallup Q12 (https://q12.gallup.com) is a survey designed to measure employee engagement. The instrument was the result of hundreds of focus groups and interviews. Researchers found that there were 12 key expectations that when satisfied, form the foundation of strong feelings of engagement. So far more than 90,000 work units […]
/in Articles by David Irvine, Communication, Empathy/by AdministrationA first-grade teacher recently told me of a sad trend among her students. At the end of the day, she stands in the playground waving good-bye as her kids climb into the backseats of their parents’ cars. As they excitedly scramble into the car seats she witnesses their enthusiasm as they can’t stop talking about […]
The Essential Matters – What Is Your Reason For Being?
/in Authenticity/by AdministrationLast month I was meeting with a group of very talented managers in a debrief session for an event I facilitated in December. We were discussing, among other things, employee engagement when one of the leaders said that what he learned in my session is that employee engagement can be boiled down to one word: […]
Humanizing Our Workplace: Leading With Care Rather Than Fear
/in Leadership/by AdministrationA long-time client told me a few weeks ago that his first task, as a recently hired manager in a power company, was to “humanize” the plant. When I asked what he meant by this, he explained that he was brought in to change the culture from one that was described as “management by chopping […]
From New Year’s Resolutions To New Year’s Renewal
/in Leadership/by AdministrationMaking New Year’s resolutions is for those interested in growing, being a better person, and improving themselves. New Year’s is a good time for taking an inventory of our lives to discover where changes need to be made. Just as the fiscal year end of a business provides an opportunity to take an inventory of […]
The Annual Review: Assess and Refocus
/in Leadership/by AdministrationI took a couple of days between Christmas and New Years for my annual inventory of the past year and to clarify my key priorities for the coming year. I always get inspired and find it valuable to review my successes and mistakes of the past year, and then carefully and thoughtfully examine my priorities […]
New Year’s Resolutions – or New Year’s Revolutions
/in Leadership/by AdministrationIt’s that time of year when people make all kinds of resolutions: lose weight, spend less, quit smoking, improve a relationship, etc. But so often these resolutions turn into clubs to hit ourselves with come February when we are already off track. Here are some suggestions for turning resolutions into revolutions: lasting change in your […]